Group Membership Updates: How To

*You MUST be listed as a "KEY CONTACT" on the group account to make updates to the organizations profile. Key contacts can be added/removed at anytime by another key contact or by an EMSAC staff member. To login to your organizations profile, use the same credentials you would to login to your own EMSAC account. 

Add/Remove Members From Your List:

  1. Login to the EMSAC website using the login box on the home page -
  2. From the member landing page, click on the "My Profile" link
  3. In the blue menu item box, click on "My Organization"
  4. On the menu below the blue, you will click on "Org Members"
  5. Here you will see all the linked profiles for your Organization
    1. To remove someone, click "Unlink"
    2. To add someone, click "Create Linked Profile" and add First Name, Last Name, and Email. 

*If you are having trouble with adding/removing members, please send a list of the members you want in the group to [email protected]. Please include: First Name, Last Name, & Email Addresses

Renew Your Membership:

  1. Login to the EMSAC website using the login box on the home page -
  2. From the member landing page, click on the "My Profile" link
  3. In the blue menu item box, click on "Profile"
  4. This should bring up a screen with your balance and member status.
    1. If you are in the renewal period, there will be a dark blue button that says "Renew Now", click this. 
    2. If you do not see this button, you are not in the defined renewal period and will need to reach out to [email protected] for assistance. 

Pay a Group Invoice:

  1. Login to the EMSAC website using the login box on the home page - 
  2. From the member landing page, click on the "My Profile" link 
  3. In the blue menu item box, click on "My Organization"
  4. On the menu below the blue, click "Member Invoices"
  5. Click on the Green Invoice Number "XXXX"
  6. Click "Pay Invoice" to pay online with a credit card 

If you experience any issues while updating your profile, please reach out to [email protected] and we are happy to assist. 

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